Spa Day in Birmingham - Float Pool at Spa Cahaba
Birmingham Spa Booking

Float Pool

Float Pool Spa Day - Spa Services and Spa Treatment in Birmingham | Spa Cahaba

Float Pool

What is Float?

Float therapy is an innovative take on true relaxation. Float pods, are filled with over 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt and water to create a buoyant surface that allows each user to float — without any effort and for any body type! Each float contains 10 inches of salinated water, so guests are not required to know how to swim.
All distractions are removed when you’re in the pool, which decreases the production of cortisone, the stress hormone, meaning you’ll feel refreshed after the float. It’s safe to even fall asleep!

Benefits of Salt Water Floating

The benefits of flotation are significant: just one float has been linked to decreased stress, higher relaxation and better sleep. Floatation has also been linked to physical benefits, including increased pain management and blood circulation, enhanced athletic training and better immune function.
Floating in the 30% salt solution provides an elevated level of relaxation and sensory deprivation. Additionally, there are no pressure points on the body once floating, which promotes nearly 100% pain relief.

With each additional float, the benefits build on themselves! The more you float, the better it gets!

Who Is Float Therapy Good For?

Although floating is a safe relaxation method for nearly everyone, those with kidney disease or epileptic conditions should consult their doctor and take extra precaution before floating.

CAHABA FLOAT POOL - Spa Services and Spa Treatment in Birmingham | Spa Cahaba

Couples Float

Or choose to float with a partner to experience the benefits of floatation therapy.

Relaxing Spa Day - Spa Services and Spa Treatment in Birmingham | Spa Cahaba

How to prepare for your Float Therapy session:

We’re excited to have you float with us at Cahaba Dermatology! New clients should arrive 15-30 minutes before appointment time to complete paperwork and get acquainted with your pool suite and the spa.

Some items you can bring:

  • Bathing suite (optional)
  • Swimming cap if you wish to keep hair dry. We have caps available as well.
  • Personal Flip flops or use ours
  • Special toiletries or use our complimentary assortment
  • Problems and Tensions (You’ll leave them with us!)

Cahaba Dermatology offers a private shower, plush robe, and changing suite for all of our guests. Relax in your own private space. We also provide shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body wash and other toiletries at your request.